Jaromir and Veronika Stifter

Married couple Jaromir and Veronika graduate together with matching degrees from Abertay

People always say that we must be sick of the sight of each other but in all honestly, I’m grateful that we have been able to experience this amazing journey together.
Jaromir and Veronika Stifter | Abertay University | BA (Hons) Computer Arts

Jaromir and Veronika Stifter, who live in Invergowrie but are originally from the Czech Republic, will graduate on the same day with matching degrees from Abertay!

The couple have been marrieds since 2021 but have been together for over a decade, meeting in high school.

In 2016, they arrived in Scotland from their native Czech Republic with a dream of pursuing careers in video games. They recognised Dundee as the perfect city to pursue their ambitions, thanks to its thriving hub for the games industry. Prior to enrolling at university, the couple worked at various jobs in the city and saved money to fund their future studies.

The couple then began their studies at Dundee & Angus College, eventually advancing into the third year of the Computer Arts degree programme at Abertay. This transition is made possible through an “articulation agreement” between the two institutions, allowing students who have completed the necessary HNC/D qualifications to seamlessly progress to university without having to repeat a level of study. This pathway is a common route for many students, providing a streamlined and efficient educational experience for those who aspire to university.

Jaromir said:

At first, the transition from college to university was a bit daunting as there is a lot more independent and self-driven learning required. However, we were made to feel at home in absolutely no time thanks to the support of our brilliant lecturers. We were also surrounded by so many talented fellow students that every day we were inspired!

During their time at Abertay, Jaromir and Veronika had the opportunity to delve into various aspects of Computer Arts, discovering their individual passions within the field. To their surprise, their interests differed, with Jaromir finding a strong affinity for animation, while Veronika developed a keen preference for graphic design and branding.

At the end of May, the couple participated in the Abertay Digital Graduate Show (ADGS), an annual three-day event which showcases the projects of final year students in the world-renowned School of Design and Informatics. The couple said they thoroughly enjoyed participating in ADGS as it provided them with a chance to engage with key industry professionals who attended the show.

As the couple gears up for their upcoming graduation next week, they expressed deep appreciation for being able to embark on their journey together. From their arrival in Scotland seven years ago to their time at college and now university, they have shared this transformative experience side by side.

Veronika said:

People always say that we must be sick of the sight of each other but in all honestly, I’m grateful that we have been able to experience this amazing journey together. Knowing that we have been there for one another has made all the difference, and I am excited to see what the future holds for us as we continue to navigate this life side by side.

View the BA (Hons) Computer Arts course

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