Student Life

Learn more about Abertay and Dundee's social environment and opportunities.

Two students chatting outside McManus Galleries

You’ll love Abertay's friendly and inclusive community spirit. Our compact campus is based in the heart of Dundee—a vibrant, edgy, friendly and affordable city on Scotland's beautiful east coast.  

The best way to find out what it's really like at Abertay is to speak to our students, who can offer loads of info on how to make the most of your time in Dundee and at university.

Chat to our students>>


Student on top of The Law with rail bridge behind

Living in Dundee

Dundee is a city of contrasts.

It's vibrant and cosmopolitan, but also friendly, compact and affordable. As a student at Abertay, you'll be living in Dundee during the most ambitious cultural and physical development in a generation.

Living in Dundee>>

Student near bridge

Studying in Scotland

Scotland is a very welcoming country. We’re genuinely happy to see newcomers and make them feel at home. Our supportive communities are made up of people from all over the world, meaning Scotland is now home to people who speak over 150 languages.

Studying in Scotland>>

Student Life

Explore our campus, library, sport, and study abroad options.

Our Campus

Abertay is located on a buzzing city centre campus, with all of our buildings within a quarter of a mile of each other.

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The Bernard King Library

The Bernard King Library has four floors of open plan study space, with printed books, eBooks, journals and specialist databases.

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Abertay Sport

Sport and physical activity at Abertay can be as much a part of life as attending lectures and tutorials.

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Exchange and Study Abroad

Studying abroad can be an incredible academic and personal experience. Learn more about our Exchange and Study Abroad options.

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Student Accommodation

Check out the student accommodation. Lots of different rooms, exclusive discounted rents and plenty of information to help you.

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Student Support and Services

We offer a range of support services covering personal and academic matters. Whatever you need, we will do our best to help you.

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Careers Service - home

Our Careers Service supports you with help, opportunities and material during your studies and even after you graduate.

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A Guide for Parents and Carers

Why Abertay is the perfect place to study. Lots of info, tips and advice about what we do to educate and support your child while they are here.

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