Susuti Michael

Susuti successfully balanced motherhood with her studies and is now set to graduate with a PhD in Environmental Science

The support I received from my peers during this journey was invaluable and their encouragement and guidance played an integral role in my success
Susuti Michael | Abertay University | PhD in Environmental Sciences

Starting university can be a daunting experience for anyone, never mind when you are expecting your first child!

Susuti initially joined Abertay for her postgraduate studies, earning a Masters degree in Energy, Water and Environmental Management. She enjoyed her time at the University so much that she decided to return to undertake a PhD!

During the first year of her doctoral studies, Susuti became pregnant and welcomed her first child, Treasure. Balancing motherhood alongside the demanding requirements of her studies was challenging. Yet, Susuti credits her achievements to the support she received from the Abertay community.

Juggling the demands of both roles demanded strict time management and Susuti structured her study routines around her baby's care, showcasing her commitment to her studies.

Her PhD research focused on enhancing sustainability in waste management practices in Nigeria, and her research poster was among the select few displayed prominently in the Graduate School.

A significant milestone in her academic journey was successfully defending her research during her viva, the conclusive oral examination for a PhD, where she showcased her expertise to academic examiners.

Now, with her child, Treasure, at the age of 5, Susuti cherishes her time at Abertay and is looking forward to pursuing a career in the field of environment and sustainability.

Learn more about Abertay's postgraduate research opportunities

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