Reviewing the Effectiveness of Court

The Scottish Code of Good HE Governance requires the University Court to annually review its effectiveness.

Reviewing the Effectiveness of Court

All Boards and Governing bodies should regularly review their effectiveness, and the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance requires the Courts of universities to do so annually, and, in that context, both to measure compliance with the Code and performance against Court’s Statement of Primary Responsibilities.

Annual Review

Since 2015, Court has produced an annual review of the conduct of Court and its committees in the preceding academic year. Quantitative measures include members' attendance at meetings, the gender and age profile of members, employment background, stakeholder engagement, turnover of members and development opportunities. Qualitative measures include diversity, feedback from members at meetings of Court and from individual meetings with the Chair. The effectiveness of the Chair is evaluated by Court against the Role of the Chair of Court in discussions led by the Court Intermediary.

Externally-facilitated Periodic Review of the Effectiveness of Court

The University is required to undertake an externally-facilitated evaluation of its own effectiveness at least every five years. The most recent evaluation report is provided here:

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