Committees of Court

Court has formally constituted a number of Committees, all of which have clearly defined remits.

The University Court is the governing body of the University.

It approves the strategic vision of the University, appoints to key positions, ensures systems are in place for the academic, corporate, financial, estate and personal management of the University and that plans exist to evaluate performance and effectiveness against key indicators.

Court has a number of Standing Committees, some of which have Sub-Committees. In addition, it establishes Working Groups and other bodies from time to time, charged with specific and time-limited tasks.

Court has formally constituted a number of Committees, all of which have clearly defined remits and all of which are chaired by an independent member of Court. The Committees are shown below. 

Standing Committees

Audit and Risk Committee

Ensures proper financial management, asset safeguarding, efficiency, risk management and corporate governance.

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Chair's Committee

The Chair's Committee ensures efficient procedures for Court to achieve its objectives, as well as reviewing and recommending improvements.

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Finance and Corporate Performance Committee

The Finance and Corporate Performance Committee advises Court on the development, implementation, and reviews the Strategic Plan.

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Governance and Nominations Committee

Ensures University compliance with all governance frameworks, including the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance, and reports to Court as required

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People, Health and Equality Committee

The principal purpose of the Committee is ensuring the University has a clear people strategy, which is appropriate, realistic and achievable.

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Remuneration Committee

Determine salaries and conditions for Executive Group, set principles for discretionary salaries above national scale, and ensuring attention to EDI.

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