University Court

The Governing Body of the University.

About the University Court

The University Court plays a significant role in the governance of the University. 

Its powers are set out in the University’s constitutional document, which is 'The Abertay University (Scotland) Order of Council 2019’.

Universities in Scotland must adhere to the provisions set out in the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 as well as the Scottish Code of Good HE Governance. The University is required to report on how it is complying with the Code in its Annual Report, via a Statement of Corporate Governance.

Court's Key Documents

Explore key documents from the University Court, such as Standing Orders, Statement of Primary Responsibilities, and the Scheme of Delegation.

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Court's Key Individuals

View the roles of the key individuals involved in the University Court, the governing body of Abertay University.

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Court Members

Made up of a maximum of 25 members, including independent, ex-officio, and staff/student members.

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Court Agenda, Papers and Minutes

Minutes of the Abertay University Court are published once they have been approved at the following meeting of Court.

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Committees of Court

Court has formally constituted a number of Committees, all of which have clearly defined remits and all are chaired by an independent member of Court

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Two females working together

Reviewing the Effectiveness of Court

The Scottish Code of Good HE Governance requires the University Court to annually review its effectiveness.

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