22 June 2017

Abertay lecturer blogs for Women in Sport Week

Abertay lecturer blogs for Women in Sport Week

Women in Sport Week has compelled me to reflect on my involvement in sport as a female, writes Abertay lecturer Marie Clare Grant.

I have played and coached various sports over the years and have never perceived gender to be a barrier or issue.

In particular, I have been involved in swimming from a young age and have always found it be a very supportive environment, both as a swimmer and coach.

Now, as a Masters swimmer the social factor is definitely something which keeps me training and competing.

My positive experience in sport has ultimately carved out my career path, which began by studying Physiology and Sport Science at university.

Further study and obtaining my PhD in Exercise Physiology has given me the opportunity to work at here at Abertay University as a lecturer within the Division of Sport and Exercise Science.

There are many aspects to the role including teaching, research and working within the community.

However, working with students passionate about sport and exercise and seeing them working hard to achieve their goals is definitely one of the most enjoyable parts of the job.

Marie Clare carries out a Vo2 Max test with a marathon runner  

Despite my positive experiences in sport, I know in many sports there are gender inequalities faced by both males and females.

For example, in stereotypical male sports (perhaps more so at elite level) lack of opportunities, financial support and role models are all issues regularly faced by females wanting to progress as either an athlete or coach.

Improvements are being made but this needs to reach a point where gender is no longer perceived as barrier in any sport.

Finally, if you want to pursue a career related to sport and exercise there are many varied and interesting opportunities – as long as you are willing to work hard then there is a great chance of success.

If you want to try out a sport or activity – go for it!

Not only will you improve your physical and mental wellbeing but you get the chance to meet like-minded people.

At Abertay, events like staff varsity are a great opportunity to try out a sport and socialise with colleagues.

Marie Clare Grant is a lecturer with the Division of Sport and Exercise at Abertay

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