Anjali Shibu

Through Their Eyes Synopsis

In this experience focused title, players take on the role of Heather, a stray cat, as she follows a strange scent through the back alleys of the city. On her journey she must dodge gangs of tough alley cats, navigate dizzying jumps and trust her instincts to find some safety and comfort.

My primary focus in the project was to develop the Level Design Document (LDD) for the final arc in the game. To do this, I rapidly prototyped, grey boxed and managed the final arc in the game from pre-production through production. For this project, I also developed the Mechanics Guide and was instrumental in developing the overall narrative of the game.
Solely responsible for the base mesh and animation of Heather the Cat.

Anjali Shibu Project


One of my main motivations for this project was developing a simple narrative set in the real world - up until now, the majority of my concepts have been inspired by fantastic settings, ancient myths and folklore. This was a great opportunity to see if I enjoyed all aspects of narrative design, as well as how capable I could be in areas I haven't developed narratives for. A perfect challenge!

As there were a total of 14 students in the team, it was interesting to see how the project developed, with parts of the team dedicated to their disciplines. This gave me a prime opportunity to develop an area in the game, solely from the eyes of my discipline. The final area in the game experience is a small garden area. This is meant to be the most hard hitting in the game as players traverse through a stark cityscape, to come to a relatively unfamiliar, but safe place in the game.

Abertay Games Masters

The Abertay Game Dev Masters Show 2021 presents a series of team projects as well as professional individual work from the artists, producers, audio and game designers, and programmers.

Explore the student work and hear about how they collaborated to create their interactive projects.

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