Edwyn Mckie

Improving Player Enjoyment Within Mobile Games Through Facial Recognition Techniques

This project explores how effective dynamic difficulty adjustment in mobile games can be. The project was designed with a focus on mobile gaming and how to take advantage of the more powerful devices people now own. The project uses a facial recognition system to detect the players' current emotional state and adjusts the games' difficulty to match them. By doing so, the players' emotional state changes and this, in turn, causes the game to adapt accordingly which can make the game appear more enjoyable to the player.

Project info

  • Developer Edwyn Mckie
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Improving Player Enjoyment Within Mobile Games Through Facial Recognition Techniques

Improving player enjoyment and engagement in android applications through the use of facial recognition techniques and player input tracking.

Project Motivation

Smartphones have been getting increasingly powerful recently. It's time to take advantage of this to create something truly unique and interesting.

Edwyn Mckie

Pause carousel

Play carousel