Danny Laing

The Long Week

The first chapter of a fully-illustrated horror-themed webcomic, which delves into the uncomfortable parallels drawn between common Scottish myths and legends and the issues that real-life people struggled with and continue to struggle with in the modern day and age.

Project info

  • Developer Danny Laing
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Game Design and Production

The Long Week

A horror webcomic which explores Scottish folklore and the uncanny parallels to real-life issues.

"The Long Week" is a 2022 Digital Graduate Show project by Danny Laing, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

As an autistic individual, personal experiences have been my biggest motivator, particularly the story of the Scottish changeling and how it's a metaphor for a child that grows and has learning difficulties or mental illness of some kind is deeply personal to my life.

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Danny Laing

Pause carousel

Play carousel