Student Support

Support Enquiry Zone (SEZ)

The Support Enquiry Zone is a one-stop-shop for all student support needs. Our friendly team is the gateway to a full range of student advice and support, including mental health support, counselling, financial assistance and much more. The best way to get in touch is by email via or call +44 (0)1382 308 833 during office hours.

If you require out-of-hours mental health support, call your GP, NHS24 (call 111) or Breathingspace 0800 83 85 87 (see website for opening times) or Saneline on 0300 304 7000 (see link for details) or text Crisisline on 85258 (available 24/7).

In an emergency

If you feel worried about the thoughts, feelings or behaviour you are experiencing, feel suicidal, or think that you can no longer keep yourself safe, please get support immediately.

Here are the details of the main emergency and crisis support services. Unless it says otherwise, these are open 24 hours a day, every day.

Dial 999, or ask a friend or family member to do this for you.

Police Scotland - a report can also be made through the Police Scotland website by way of a 'Contact Us' online form submission, by contacting 101 to report non-emergency matters and general enquiries.

The Samaritans provide a 24/7, 365 day a year telephone service. Their free phone number is 116 123 or email

If you are on campus - you should contact University Security (Urgent calls: 01382 308222; internal calls extension: 2222) so that they can assist emergency services when they arrive on site. The Campus Security Control Room is located in the Kydd Building behind the main reception area if you need to see us in person.

Student Support FAQs

How do I access healthcare in Dundee?

Every year we strongly advise students to register with a local GP upon arrival in Dundee. Visit our FAQs for New Students for a list of local health centres and how to register. Further information, including the latest opening hours, can also be found on the NHSInform website.

Remember, if you need urgent care out-of-hours, you can call 111 at any time. 

How can I register with a GP?

Students are able to register with a doctor by completing this online form. From there, contact a GP practice and ask for their e-mail address to send in your electronically completed form. ID is not a requirement but helps in the registration process and can also be e-mailed.

This website provides details of local GPs; if you have problems finding a GP please call the NHS Tayside Primary Care Services Department 01382 425664 and they will provide advice about the practices you can register with.

I'm struggling with my mental health. Where can I get help?

The Counselling and Mental Health Service is part of Student Services and is free and confidential for all Abertay students.

Counselling is an opportunity to explore issues that concern you without judgement. Sometimes life at university can be full of challenges, particular in light of the uncertainties of the ‘new normal’.

If you are feeling overwhelmed in any way please come and talk to the team.  Here are just some of the issues students have brought to us:-

  • Homesickness
  • Feeling low
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Loneliness
  • Self esteem
  • Panic attacks
  • Mental health issues

It is good to talk – and sometimes you need to talk to an experienced counsellor or Mental Health Advisor.


The service also includes a Mental Health Advisor (RNHM) who can work with you if you are experiencing or are concerned about any mental health issues.

Other mental health support services

If you require out-of-hours mental health support, call your GP, NHS24 (call 111) or Breathingspace 0800 83 85 87 (see website for opening times) or Saneline on 0300 304 7000 (see link for details) or text Crisisline on 85258 (available 24/7).

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