Race Equality Charter Mark

Race Equality Charter Mark and Bronze Award

Abertay was the first University in Scotland to achieve the Race Equality Charter Mark bronze-level award in 2017 and we repeated the same rigorous assessment process in 2020. This was done to ensure that our approach to race quality remains up-to-date, relevant, and open to external scrutiny.

Professor Liz Bacon said: "Abertay University is delighted to be recognised for its efforts to promote racial equality with its second Race Equality Charter Bronze award.

"We recognise that there is more to do to ensure equality for all, and look forward to building upon this award with support from Advance HE and the Race Equality Charter."


Race Equality Charter Bronze Award

Improving the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education.

ECU’s Race Equality Charter (REC) provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of minority ethnic staff and students. Abertay University is proud to hold the Race Equality Charter Bronze Award for our ongoing commitment and active steps to improving race equality for our staff and students.

REC covers:

  • Professional and support staff
  • Academic staff
  • Student progression and attainment
  • Diversity of the curriculum

How does the Race Equality Charter work?

The Self Assessment Team undertook a detailed analysis of University practice, ran a staff survey and student and staff working groups. Some of the key actions are:

  • Better promotion and signposting of support, help and guidance for BME staff and students, including how to raise race-related incidents
  • Investigate and develop better links with community groups that support BME communities locally
  • Embed race equality principles within existing and future University communication strategies and plans, to ensure the University’s race equality work and BME and international students and staff more generally feature in internal and external communications, including: University-run and external events; web and intranet; social media; direct staff/student communications; external networking
  • Undertake in-depth analysis to understand the reason(s) for the higher turnover of BME and non-UK staff, including qualitative analysis of comments
  • Consider race equality in relation to both content and inclusive delivery through EIA of all new programmes and programme quality reviews
  • To build staff capacity and confidence to embed race equality in their curricula appropriately

Abertay University 2021 Race Equality Charter Application



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